Transportation & Community Engagement Services

Transportation Assistance for Seniors.

It’s about more then getting your loved one from Point A to Point B.

Often, access to transportation means something much more than just a ride for people who are homebound. Providing transportation for Seniors gives them a renewed sense of life and community once they have access to engage with their friends and family on a regular basis. Our caregivers are fully trained in the safety and proper body mechanics of transportation for our Seniors.

Elderly Transportation Services & Community Engagement

  • Errands

    Older adults are more greatly affected by transportation barriers because driving often declines with age. Our caregivers are happy to coordinate with your loved ones and assist them in gathering all of the things they need in their daily life. Whether they want to ride along or stay home and take it easy, our caregivers are there to assist. Making a plan to get out of the house can also bring a good boost of endorphins and energy to your loved one in their daily or weekly routine.

  • Doctor’s Appointments

    Coordinating and transportation to and from doctor’s appointments is an important part of how we care for the Seniors in our community. Approximately 3.6 million adults miss or delay non-emergency medical care due to transportation barriers (Hughes-Cromwich & Wallace, 2006). Our office can assist your loved one in getting into a regular routine with doctors visits so that their health is not affected by missed visits or missed symptoms.

  • Religious & Community Services

    Many of our clients are involved in religious organizations and/or community organizations. We can support your loved ones so that they always have access to be involved in their particular community. Research shows that Seniors who participate in some form of community feel less lonely overall and have an improved sense of community, mood and outlook.

Enabling your loved one to be an active member of the family.

As our Seniors age, it can be more difficult to keep them involved in family gatherings. Our caregivers can provide transportation and support to and from family events so that your Senior aged loved ones still get to participate in important family time. We also have the ability to plan ahead and travel with your loved one out of state to a family wedding or vacation, so that they are able to participate and you are able to have the support you need.

Learn more about our elderly Transportation services today.