Continence Care Services

Continence Care & Toileting Help for Seniors.

A supportive, caring team to help your loved one with continence care.

One of the most frustrating issues that seniors face is the daily activity of toileting. Issues surrounding continence can be stressful for our seniors because there is a loss of independence which often correlates with both depression and anxiety. We approach continence care with the goal in mind of helping your loved one maintain a sense of dignity and independence.

Continence Care Services With R&R Care Solutions:

  • Daily Monitoring of Symptoms & Diet

    Daily intake of food and fluid can be a huge part of your loved ones' incontinence. The Mayo Clinic shares a list of common things that trigger incontinence which are as follows: too little fluids, too much fluids, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks (with and without caffeine), certain acidic fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes, spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, tomato based foods, sugar, honey and artificial sweeteners.

    In order to manage incontinence our caregivers will monitor what your loved one is putting in their body and the effect it has on their continence issues. Minimizing the above listed food and drinks and understanding what your loved ones trigger foods are is key to assisting them in their continence journey.

  • Toileting

    Creating a bathroom schedule for your loved one and encouraging bathroom trips on regular intervals is key in preventing accidents and helping our seniors to maintain control and dignity. Assistance and proper body mechanics in this area are necessary to prevent falls and injury especially with our clients who may suffer from Alzheimers or Dementia. Our caregivers are fully trained and knowledgeable on continence and toileting issues and will walk your loved one through this process with kindness and patience. In addition, there is equipment our staff can put in place to assist your loved one such as raised toilet seats, non-slip floor mats and floor lighting.

  • Preparing Your Loved One’s Home

    Once incontinence issues are a part of life it is important to set up your loved ones home in a way that allows for ease of use and cleanliness. Accidents on porous surfaces can often mean having to discard furniture or mattresses. Our team can assist you in waterproofing furniture and beds to prepare your loved ones home for ease of use and quick clean up from accidents to get ahead of the problem.

  • Maintaining Cleanliness

    It’s of utmost importance that no matter how severe your loved one's incontinence issue is, they are kept clean and dry. Depending on their needs, incontinence briefs, elastic waistbands or adaptive clothing may be an option to assist in this goal and we can help to evaluate this as issues change or progress. Most importantly, your loved ones' needs must be assessed often so that if there is an accident they are not left with moisture on their skin that could quickly lead to skin breakdown or wound care issue. Our caregivers are trained to constantly assess the cleanliness of our clients in order to prevent any and all issues from occurring.

Going above and beyond.

Our Office has developed many community partners that we bring in to assist our elderly clients with issues of continence. For example, did you know that some Home Health Agencies will send a Physical Therapist (fully covered by insurance) into your loved ones home to address bowel and bladder issues on a regular basis?

We’ve developed a partnership with a local agency that has a specific bowel and bladder program developed to target and improve incontinence issues and our clients have benefited greatly from this particular program. In addition, we have a partnership with a concierge Physician who can come to your loved ones home to assist them in addressing factors that may be contributing to their incontinence.

Let us help you and your loved one. Learn more about our Continence Care Services today.